Resolution Report
Solutions Journalism ~ News aggregate
Environmenmtal Crisis Solution Report Links
Last Updated: 01-18-2025
- 011825 New energy system for autonomous underwater vehicles can replace lithium
- 011825 New electrolyte can make sodium-sulfur battery better than Li cells
- 011025 Female Entrepreneur Set to Revolutionize Transportation for All of Africa, After Transforming her Native Ghana
- 011425 Scientists Turn Industrial Waste into Batteries for Storing Renewable Energy
- 011025 Electric fungi: The biobattery that needs to be fed | ScienceDaily
- 011025 Could we feed the world with the world’s waste
- 011025 AI-designed enzyme devours plastic trash in days
- 011025 Alien Water Hyacinth is Lethal for Lakes–But it’s Being Turned into Biodegradable Plastic Bags and Plant Pots
- 010425 New method turns e-waste to gold | ScienceDaily
- 010425 Taking a cue from lightning, eco-friendly reactor converts air and water into ammonia | ScienceDaily
- A new breed of climate-friendly crops never need replanting
- Reviving bison herds revives prairies, better than cattle
- A drastic revolution in the way we eat and farm could limit habitat lost to agriculture to a mere 1%
- Breakthrough Zero-Carbon Fertilizer Set to Take Root Across the World as ‘Biochar’
- Researchers Invent Way to Turn Harmful Mine Waste into Healthy Soil
- Recycling urine may reduce the carbon footprint of fertilizer
- A truly circular solution: Turning bioplastic made from plants into nutrients to grow new crops
Food Production
- Paul Stamets Holds the Patent That Could Put Monsanto Out of Business - disinformation
- Desert Farm Grows 17,000 Tons of Food without Soil, Pesticides, Fossil Fuels or Groundwater | CSGlobe
- A Team of Scientists Just Made Food From Electricity — and it Could be the Solution to World Hunger
- Scientists Hack Photosynthesis to Make Crops Produce More, But With Less Water
- Chinese scientists report starch synthesis from carbon dioxide
- ‘Genetic Goldmine’ That Could Help Crops Survive Global Warming is Unearthed in the Desert
- New Smart Pack Could Make Food Poisoning a Thing of the Past, and It's Eco-Friendly
- Chinese Method For Growing Veggies Year-Round in Frigid Canada Really Works–And Has No Heating Costs
- Covering Crops in Red Plastic Can Boost Yields Up to 37 Percent
- Lab-grown meat and insects 'good for planet and health' - BBC News
- Bangladesh Farmers Digging Simple Wells Have Created an Irrigation Wonder–With Rice Overflowing
- Beetleburgers could soon reach mass production - helping to feed the world - Study Finds
- Using artificial methods for growing crops co | EurekAlert!
- This data scientist has a plan for how to feed the world sustainably : Short Wave : NPR
- Insect Farm Hatches Plan for Greener Animal Feed for Chickens and Pigs
Pest & Herbicides
- 14-Year-old Wins ‘America’s Top Young Scientist’ for Inventing Pesticide Detector For Fruits and Vegetables
- Farmers Use Bees to Deter Elephants from Romping Over Crops–a Win-Win for All
- Scientists Are Recycling Wastewater to Reclaim Valuable Phosphorous to Put Back in Soil
- Nutrient-Rich Human Waste is Poised to Sustain Agriculture and Improve Economies, Say Researchers
Waste Reduction
- A growing number of restaurants are reducing food waste : Short Wave : NPR
- A Comparison of urban vs conventional farms yields surprises
- "Smart soil" grows 138% bigger crops using 40% less water
- Groundbreaking discovery: Zinc can make crop | EurekAlert!
- Proof from tomatoes that biofertilizers increase yields
- Stop Raking to Help Your Local Wildlife: Join the 'Leave The Leaves’ Campaign This Autumn
- A breakthrough in inexpensive, clean, fast-charging batteries | ScienceDaily
- Free of Heavy Metals, New Battery Design Could Alleviate Environmental Concerns | IBM Research Blog
- Brazilian Student Creates Cheap Electricity - YouTube
- 'Battery' that bottles sunshine could bring a new solar revolution
- Researchers Accidentally Make Batteries Last 400 Times Longer | Popular Science
- Inventor lands deal to manufacture ‘swappable’ aluminium-air battery that can power electric cars for 1,500 miles
- Breakthrough Solar System Uses Recycled Aluminum to Store Energy—Without Batteries
- World's Smelliest Fruit Could Charge Your Mobile Phone in ‘Exceptional’ Way, Says New Research
- Exciting New Scavenger Technology Can Generate Energy From the Surface of Metal
- Natural Organisms in Soil Can Power Lights With This Bio Battery, Which May Be World’s Most Disruptive Technology
- This Swedish carbon-fiber battery could revolutionize car design | Ars Technica
- A long-lasting, stable solid-state lithium battery
- Company Says its Multi-Day Storage Batteries For Renewable Energy Are the Holy Grail We've Been Waiting For
- Batteries of the Future Set to be Cheaper and Better – Thanks to Sugar
- Scientists Create Biodegradable Batteries That Can Be Buried in Soil After Use
- Scientists at Stanford Revitalize Batteries By Bringing ‘Dead’ Lithium Back to Life
- EV Charging Answer: Quantum Technology Will Cut Time it Takes to Charge Electric Cars to Just 9 Seconds
- World’s First CO2 Battery to Offer Long-Duration Energy Storage at Half the Cost
- Scientists Invent Ultra-Thin Battery-Like Device that Generates Electricity from Air Moisture—Perfect for Health Monitors
- Penn State Battery Tech Breakthrough Paves Way for Mass Adoption of Affordable/Fast Charging Electric Cars
- New invention: The oxygen-ion battery -- ScienceDaily
- 621-mile range EV battery charges in six minutes and works in any weather
- An ingredient in toothpaste may make electric cars go farther: New fluoride-containing electrolyte paves the way for high performance, long-lasting batteries -- ScienceDaily
- NASA May Have Just Cracked the Code for Replacing Lithium in Batteries: ‘Double or even triple the energy’
- Chinese-developed nuclear battery has a 50-year lifespan — Betavolt BV100 built with Nickel-63 isotope and diamond semiconductor material | Tom's Hardware
- Solid State EV Batteries Overcome Safety, Climate Concerns of Lithium-ion While Charging Faster and Lasting Longer
- ‘Install and forget’ soil-powered batteries could bring cheap, clean energy to farms in Europe | Euronews
- Extracting lithium just got cheaper and more sustainable
- Researchers unveil scalable graphene technology to revolutionize battery safety and performance | ScienceDaily
- World's Largest Battery to Revolutionize Renewable Energy Storage in Maine with 'Reverse Rusting'
- Green Batteries for EVs and Phones May Use Iron as The Key to Better, Cheaper Lithium-ion Options
- Battery Breakthrough Could Give Electric Cars ‘Big Range Boost’ and Create Longer-lasting Batteries
- Finland sand battery stores 100MW energy with 2,000 tons of soapstone
- Long-lasting Solid-state Lithium Battery From Harvard May Solve a 40-year Problem
- This Innovation Could Extend Little-Used Zinc Battery Lifespan Hundreds of Times to Create Battery Revolution
- New non-flammable battery offers 10x more energy, lasts 110 hours
- Rice ash boasts 700 mAh storage capacity, double battery power
- QuantumScape’s ‘Cobra’ supercharges EVs with 844 Wh/L energy density
- Breakthrough Might Finally Destroy the Harmful 'Forever Chemicals' in Our Water
- New 'forever chemical' cleanup strategy discovered | ScienceDaily
- Enzyme-inspired catalyst puts chemicals in right position to make ethers | ScienceDaily
- Samsung Cuts Energy Usage of Their Computer Chips by 50% In Big Market Innovation
Energy Solutions
- Chemists Discover New Way to Harness Clean Energy From Ammonia
- Japanese researchers find a simple and affordable way to store hydrogen
- New device produces critical fertilizer ingredient from thin air, cutting carbon emissions | ScienceDaily
- Newly Discovered Enzyme Turns Air Into Electricity, Promising a New Clean Source of Energy
- Engineers unveil breakthrough in ultra-clean biofuel technology | ScienceDaily
- Waste oil turned into biodiesel in just 60 minutes, can power vehicles
- From eyesore to asset: How a smelly seaweed could soon fuel cars
- Cooking oil turned into renewable fuel. No refinery required
Geo Thermal
- Geothermal Power is Finally a Reality After Next-Generation Breakthrough of Carbon-Free Energy in Nevada
- New discovery may be breakthrough for hydrogen cars
- Electricity from seawater: New method efficiently produces hydrogen peroxide for fuel cells
- World's Largest Green Hydrogen Plant Will Soon Be Turning California's Trash into Ultra-Cheap Fuel
- Zero-Emission Trucks Set To Make New Zealand A World Leader In Hydrogen Energy
- Clean Energy Breakthrough: Making Hydrogen Is Hard, but Researchers Just Solved a Major Hurdle
- Los Alamos National Lab works on hydrogen-powered trucks | KOB 4
- A New Electrocatalyst Massively Improves the Commercial Viability of Green Hydrogen
- Researchers engineer photosynthetic bacteria to produce hydrogen | Ars Technica
- Tokyo University Uncovers a Solution to the Problems of Hydrogen Fuel Production – Use Rust
- New Nanoscale Material Harvests Hydrogen Fuel From the Sea
- German auto giants place their bets on hydrogen cars | Reuters
- This Is Why Hyundai Wants To Popularize Hydrogen Fuel
- ‘We will make zero-CO2 hydrogen from natural gas so cheaply we could give it away for free’ | Recharge
- Dual‐Doping and Synergism toward High‐Performance Seawater Electrolysis - Chang - 2021 - Advanced Materials - Wiley Online Library
- Researchers develop advanced catalysts for clean hydrogen production
- Hydrogen from plastic waste: Japanese corporations' plan could be boon for resource-constrained nation | Recharge
- An enzyme system for the hydrogen industry: Platinum-free biocatalyst for fuel cells and water electrolysis -- ScienceDaily
- Easy aluminum nanoparticles for rapid, efficient hydrogen generation from water
- Researchers Make ‘Giant Leap’ to Produce Affordable Renewable Hydrogen
- Toyota’s prototype 'cartridge' is a way to make hydrogen portable | Engadget
- How Green Hydrogen Could End The Fossil Fuel Era | Vaitea Cowan | TED - YouTube
- Power failure leads scientists to a revolutionary new way of generating hydrogen
- Engineers developed a breakthrough method to generate hydrogen gas in one-step process
- New catalyst could be key for hydrogen economy: Inexpensive catalyst uses energy from light to turn ammonia into hydrogen fuel -- ScienceDaily
- A membrane-based seawater electrolyser for hydrogen generation | Nature
- Researchers in China create device to directly split seawater to produce hydrogen
- New Solar-Powered Invention Creates Hydrogen Fuel from the Air
- Direct seawater electrolysis by adjusting the local reaction environment of a catalyst | Nature Energy
- Scientists reveal breakthrough that could lead to cleaner hydrogen energy -- ScienceDaily
- New catalysts for solar hydrogen production -- ScienceDaily
- Rooftop panel could make hydrogen fuel cheap—and commonplace
- Low-cost artificial leaf can produce hydrogen for weeks
- New catalyst can enable liquid hydrogen fuel in vehicles
- Chicken Feathers Can Replace "Forever Chemicals" inside Renewable Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Lowering Cost
- French Shale Gas Company Discovers Hydrogen Gas Well that Could Start Renewable Revolution in Coal Country
- Concentrated sunlight puts cheap solar hydrogen within reach
- New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste | ScienceDaily
- A recipe for zero-emissions fuel: Soda cans, seawater, and caffeine | ScienceDaily
- Better way to produce green hydrogen | ScienceDaily
- Making GH2 at sea: UK startup plans fleet of sail ships with onboard electrolyzers -
- Scientists cut harmful pollution from hydrogen engines | ScienceDaily
- New low-temperature nickel-cobalt catalyst yields 50% more hydrogen
- 122024 Hydrogen from waste: 'Zero-Gap' tech boosts clean fuel production
- Pumped-storage hydroelectricity - Wikipedia
- Lakes will be converted into colossal power plants: free electricity in the U.S.
- First Hybrid Floating Ocean Platform Can Generate Power From Waves, Wind, And Solar
- How Ocean Waves Can Generate Powerful Electricity
- Canadian Startup to Build $400M UK Plant to Harness Nuclear Fusion in Entirely New Cost-Effective Way
- World's Largest Experimental Nuclear Fusion Reactor Generates First Plasma in Japan
- What is ITER?
- Nuclear waste U.S. could power the U.S. for 100 years
- Ex-SpaceX engineer is building 'meltdown-proof' portable nuclear reactors
Other Sources
- Researchers Use Wastewater to Generate Electricity – While Cleaning It Up
- Radio Waves Turned Into Electricity : Discovery News
- Study points to metal powders as potential replacement for fossil fuels
- Electricity generated with water, salt and a 3-atoms-thick membrane -- ScienceDaily
- Material can turn sunlight, heat and movement into electricity—all at once
- 'Star in a Jar’ Fusion Reactor Works and Promises Infinite Energy
- The remarkable power of the prickly pear - BBC Future
- Generating Light from Darkness: Joule
- Physicists build circuit that generates clean, limitless power from graphene
- South Korean Scientists Perfect Renewable Power from Urine While Cleaning Wastewater
- Algae-powered computing: scientists create reliable and renewable biological photovoltaic cell | University of Cambridge
- Carbon-Negative Plant Opens in Turkey Turning Algae Into Bio-Jet Fuel and So Much More
- Floating 'artificial leaves' ride the wave of clean fuel production -- ScienceDaily
- Scientists Stumble on New Way to ‘Hack’ Photosynthesis For Renewable Energy
- Scientists Working to Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough
- Scientists find way to make energy from air using nearly any material
- How scientists turned humid air into renewable energy by accident
- California Scientists Unveil Fire-Safe Liquid Fuel That Does Not React to Flame
- Researchers use ancient Amazonian tech to turn waste into battery gold
- Scientists come up with new type of jet fuel made out of excrement | Unexplained Mysteries
- Sky's the limit for biofuels | ScienceDaily
- Rucksacks, mobile phones to generate power using this new coating
- In a back-to-the-future move researchers use a compound in candles for grid energy storage
- Small ‘Magic Balls’ for Grid Power Lines Can Increase Capacity by 30%–Coming to the US
- Jet fuel made from food waste could slash flying emissions far more than virgin biofuels
- MEER:ReflEction
- Extract from a common kitchen spice could be key to greener, more efficient fuel cells
- Spain’s Olive Oil Producers Turn Tons of Their Pits into Fuel–For Homes, Planes and Industry
- Breakthrough brings body-heat powered wearable devices closer to reality | ScienceDaily
- Linking wastewater and coal plants could slash emissions
- Frontiers | Photocatalytic water splitting for large-scale solar-to-chemical energy conversion and storage
- A 'bionic leaf' turns solar energy into chemicals and fuels
- Nigerian Entrepreneur Invents Giant Solar-Powered Refrigerators That Cut Spoilage to Help Farmers Earn 25% More
- Solar-Powered Refrigeration Trucks Will Cut Pollution From Idling Diesel Engines
- New method for converting solar energy into electrical power using photo-bioelectrochemical cells
- Turning sunshine into liquid gold
- Solar cell design with over 50% energy-conversion efficiency
- Scientists design solar cell that captures nearly all energy of solar spectrum
- 'Cyborg' bacteria deliver green fuel source from sunlight - BBC News
- Electricity-Generating Windows Could Turn Skyscrapers into Solar Farms
- Solar Panels Built From Waste Crops Can Make Energy Without Direct Light
- ‘Radical’ Solar Breakthrough Allows Energy to Now Be Stored for Up to 18 Years, Say Scientists
- ‘It keeps on going’: driving the world’s first production-ready solar car | Solar power | The Guardian
- Engineers Turn Water into Carbon-Neutral Jet Fuel Using Solar Radiation
- Revolutionary New Clean Fuel Developed that Could See Cars Being Powered by Sunshine
- Twisting under the stroboscope -- Controlling crystal lattices of hybrid solar cell materials with terahertz light -- ScienceDaily
- Kitchen appliance could make solar panels easier to recycle
- Artificial leaves can now directly make liquid fuels
- The Car Fueled Entirely by the Sun Takes Huge Step Towards Production
- New generation perovskite solar cells can be printed ‘like newspapers’
- New nanogenerators offer 140x power density, could replace solar cells
- China: Cost-effective TOPCon solar cell ditches silver for aluminum
- These windows could harness power from both outdoor sunlight and indoor artificial light
- Korean firm achieves world record solar cell efficiency of 28.6%
Thermo Electric
- Device Wraps Around Hot Surfaces to Turn Wasted Heat to Electricity
- New heat-to-electricity tech beats battery storage with 60% efficiency
- New Wind Turbines Could Power Japan for 50 Years After a Single Typhoon
- This groundbreaking motionless wind turbine is 50% more efficient than regular turbines
- How Britain is turning the North Sea into a massive power plant - YouTube
- New biomass-based resin developed for recyclable wind turbine blades
- British Company Develops First Tractor in the World to be Completely Powered by Cow Dung
- Catalyst for 'one-step' conversion of methane to methanol | ScienceDaily
- A catalyst can turn methane into something useful | ScienceDaily
- Thanks to DARPA, Tesla's dream of wireless energy is coming
- African Forest Farming Initiative Making A Difference to Thousands with Tree-Planting and Microlending
- This Wonder Tree is a Game-Changer for Rainforest Agriculture in Honduras And Deforested Sites Worldwide
- We can now 3D print as much wood as we want without cutting a single tree
- 'Mating Glaciers' High up in Pakistan's Mountains Could Yield Climate Change Gamechanger
Greenhouse Gases
CO2 Capture
- This 'personal carbon sequestration' device uses algae to capture CO2
- MIT engineers develop a new way to remove carbon dioxide from air | MIT News
- A sustainable new material for carbon dioxide capture
- A Surprising Substance May Be Key in Capturing CO2 in the Atmosphere
- Climate change: pulling CO2 out of the air could be a trillion-dollar business - Vox
- New model suggests scrubbing CO2 from the atmosphere
- Australian researchers set record for carbon dioxide capture
- Electrochemically mediated gating membrane with dynamically controllable gas transport | Science Advances
- Carbon dioxide removal sucks
- The World’s Biggest Plant to Suck Carbon Dioxide From the Sky Is Up and Running
- New 'game-changing' technology removes 99% of carbon dioxide from the air
- Topping Soil With Rock Dust Could Suck Billions of Tons of CO2 From the Air and Increase Crop Nutrients – Study
- Zem prototype electric car removes CO2 from the air as you drive it around
- Carbon capture is here—it just isn’t evenly distributed | Ars Technica
- More Efficient Way to Suck Up CO2 From Air By Storing it in Baking Soda and Water
- Volcanic Microbe Discovered Can Eat CO2 ‘Astonishingly Quickly’ to Cut Climate-Heating Gases
- Tiny Marine Microbe 'Could Turn Out to be Secret Weapon in Battle Against Climate Change'
- This ‘living paint’ traps carbon dioxide and produces oxygen
- Electrified charcoal sponge soaks up CO2 from the air
- The ‘World’s Largest’ Vacuum to Suck Up Carbon Emissions Begins Operating in Iceland
- Eight Ounces of This Powder Removes as Much CO2 from the Air as a Tree
- Clever new CO2-storing fuel tank could usher in carbon-free shipping
- Buildings that will absorb CO2 from the air: this tycoon has made the ultimate building material
- New chemical structures show vastly improved carbon capture ability | ScienceDaily
- Trillions of Microscopic Sea Plankton Recruited to Solve the Carbon Problem
CO2 Repurposing
Building Materials From CO2
- Carbon dioxide capture and efficient fixation in a dynamic porous coordination polymer | Nature Communications
- Experiment 'turns waste CO2 to stone' - BBC News
- Engineers find neat way to turn waste carbon dioxide into useful material
- Capture Carbon in Concrete Made With CO2 - IEEE Spectrum
- How an Indian Architect is Sucking Carbon Emissions Out of the Air and Turning it into Stylish Tiles
- Canadian company creates concrete from carbon dioxide in the air
- Decarbonization Tech Instantly Converts Carbon Dioxide to Solid Carbon
- Scientists Engineer Bacteria to Eat CO2 and Release Valuable Acetone and Isopropyl That are Carbon-Negative
- Renewable plastic made from carbon dioxide and plants -- ScienceDaily
- The key to lowering carbon dioxide emissions is made of metal
Chemicals From CO2
- Breakthrough study unveils key steps for turning CO2 into valuable chemicals | ScienceDaily
Coal From CO2
- Scientists turn CO2 ‘back into coal’ in breakthrough carbon capture experiment | The Independent
Electricity From CO2
- Scientists convert carbon dioxide, create electricity
- Researchers Create Nanogenerator Capable of Using Greenhouse Gas to Produce Electricity
- Artificial plant guzzles carbon and produces electricity
Energy From CO2
- This Battery Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Energy
Food From CO2
- These "biosolar panels" suck up CO2 to grow edible algae
- California Start-Up Wants to Create "Air-Based Meat"
- Breweries are turning carbon dioxide into liquid gold - CNN
- Startup Raises $9 Million for its New Method to Recycle CO2 into Protein-Rich Animal Feed
- Algae's surprising potential to help ease climate change worries | ScienceDaily
- Powered by renewable energy, microbes turn CO2 into protein and vitamins | ScienceDaily
Fuel From CO2
- Carbon Engineering - Taking CO2 Right Out Of The Air To Make Gasoline
- Carbon Engineering Makes Gasoline by Capturing Carbon Dioxide From the Air
- Creative thinking: Researchers propose solar methanol island using ocean CO₂ | Ars Technica
- 'Green methane' from artificial photosynthesis could recycle CO2
- Proven one-step process to convert CO2 and water directly into liquid hydrocarbon fuel
- A Canadian start-up is removing CO2 from the air and turning it into pellets - ScienceAlert
- Researchers can now convert CO2 from the air directly into methanol fuel - ScienceAlert
- A new leaf: Scientists turn carbon dioxide back into fuel -- ScienceDaily
- New "Bionic" Leaf Is Roughly 10 Times More Efficient Than Natural Photosynthesis - Scientific American
- Scientists Accidentally Discover Efficient Process to Turn CO2 Into Ethanol
- The 'Miracle Material' Strikes Again. Graphene Can Turn CO2 Into Liquid Fuel
- Artificial Leaf Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Liquid Fuel - Scientific American
- Discovery could lead to sustainable ethanol made from carbon dioxide
- Researchers discover new electrocatalyst for turning carbon dioxide into liquid fuel
- Engineers Developed a Way to Convert Harmful CO2 Emissions into Chemical Building Blocks For Fuel
- Argonne National Lab Breakthrough Turns Carbon Dioxide Into Ethanol
- Audi has successfully made diesel fuel from carbon dioxide and water - ScienceAlert
- Crack it! Energy from a fossil fuel without carbon dioxide | EurekAlert! Science News
- Recycling Combustion: Creating Fuel From Carbon Dioxide
- Researchers discover effective pathway to convert carbon dioxide into ethylene
- Photoelectrochemical CO2-to-fuel conversion with simultaneous plastic reforming | Nature Synthesis
- Clean Fuel Made by Pulling CO2 From Air and Plastic Waste–Powered Only by the Sun and Photosynthesis
Fuel and Water From CO2
- Crystalline nets harvest water from desert air, turn carbon dioxide into liquid fuel | Science | AAAS
- In a first, solar tower brews jet fuel from water and CO2
Water From CO2
- Avnos launches the world’s first hybrid direct air capture system in California -
- Visible light energy yields two-for-one deal when added to CO2 recycling process | ScienceDaily
Methane Capture
- P.E.I. farmer assists in near-eradication of methane from cow farts - Prince Edward Island - CBC News
- Student Invents Toilet That Converts Poop into Energy – And Pays in Digital Currency if You Help to Fill it!
- “Chemical Looping” – Scientists Find a Way To Transform Toxic Sewer Gas Into Clean Hydrogen Fuel
- Catalyst can control methane emissions in natural gas engines -- ScienceDaily
Methane Reduction
- One farmer's seaweed discovery could help slow methane emissions — and change the world - CBS News
- Baby kangaroo fecal microbes could reduce methane from cows – WSU Insider
- A Startup Is Using Recycled Plastic to 3D Print Tiny $25,000 Prefabricated Homes in LA
Building Materials
- Making Building Materials Out of Fast-Growing Grasses Capture More Carbon Than Trees for US Startup
- Visionary Gardener Turns Piles of Beached Seaweed Into Bricks for Sustainable Construction
- Scientists create material 10 times stronger and more eco-friendly than traditional glass - Study Finds
- Premiere of Innovative Low-Carbon Cement: Will ‘Be in That Building for Decades to Come’
- French Town to Light its Streets With Bacteria Luminescence That Needs No Electricity
- Switzerland's Brilliant Plan For Underground Cargo Delivery Tunnels to Reduce Traffic is Now Underway
- New Fabric Inspired by Squid is Leading to Temperature-Controlled Clothing
- 4 New twist on synthesis technique promises sustainable manufacturing | ScienceDaily
Mineral Extraction
- Scientists develop ‘cheap and easy’ method to extract lithium from seawater - MINING.COM
- Sieving lithium out of salty waters gets a bio boost
- Scientists find huge trove of rare metals needed for clean energy hidden inside toxic coal waste | CNN
Enviromentally Friendly
- "First plastic demonstrated to not create microplastics" has been tested
- New Type of Plastic Made Directly From Organic Plant Waste Could Be the Game-Changer We Need
- New Plant-Derived Sustainable ‘Plastic’ is Tough as Bone and Hard as Aluminum
- These Edible Straws Harness Nature to Replace Single-Use Plastic and Help Local Farmers
- Prawns into Plastic: Ingenious Australian Teen Turns Shrimp Shells into Biodegradable Plastic Wrap
- This 'edible water bottle' could put an end to plastic packaging
- These Scientists Are Fighting Ocean Plastic With Biodegradable Flip Flops Made From Algae
- Say hello to biodegradable microplastics | ScienceDaily
- Startup Replaces 6 Million Plastic Bags with Prototype Made from Corn Waste That Decomposes in 180 Days
- Innovative plastic degrades 15 times faster than paper in the sea
Pollution Solutions
- Scientist invents way to trigger artificial photosynthesis to clean air | EurekAlert! Science News
- This Tower Filters 273 Hot Air Balloons-Worth of Pollution per Day in India City
- Researchers help to control cancer-causing poison in corn | ScienceDaily
- New Tool to Mitigate Algal Blooms Is Making Breakthrough Results in Utah, Scientists Say
- 3D-printed ceramic ink removes 75% of deadly PFAS from water
- New filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water | ScienceDaily
- Eco-Friendly Sponges Made of Dairy Byproduct Can Extract Gold from Old Computer Parts - Good News Network
Heavy Metals
- Genetically Engineered Yeast Soak Up Heavy Metal Pollution | American Council on Science and Health
- Scientists Discover Simple Way to Remove Heavy Metal From Water Using Plant Waste
- Personal cooling device overcomes AC’s flaws
- New Sustainable Roofing Material Can Naturally Keep Buildings Cool Without A/C
- MEER:ReflEction
- Professor Develops Technology That Cools People Down – Without Electricity or AC
- This Ancient AC System will Cool your House Without Electricity
Nuclear Waste
- Unlocking the power of molecular crystals: A possible solution to nuclear waste: Potential applications could lead to a net-zero world -- ScienceDaily
- Say hello to biodegradable microplastics | ScienceDaily
- Enzyme Discovered in a Cemetery's Compost Heap Can Break Down PET Plastic in Record Time - Good News Network
- 'Superworm' With Appetite for Polystyrene Could be Key to Mass-Scale Recycling
- Texas Scientists Have Created a Protein That Breaks Down Plastic Bottles
- Carbios Opens Plant to Change the Recycling Game by Breaking Down Plastic Bottles With Enzyme From Leaves
- New Plant-Based Bottles and Cups Backed by Coca-Cola And Dannon Can Degrade in a Year
- Scientists accidentally create mutant enzyme that eats plastic bottles | Environment | The Guardian
- Plastic-eating caterpillar could aid disposal - Unexplained Mysteries
- A Worm May Hold The Key To Biodegrading Plastic : The Two-Way : NPR
- Mushrooms could solve the war on plastic, says Kew Gardens
- Innovative Plant Will Recycle Polystyrene Foam and Recover Valuable Resources Using All-Wind Power
- A sea change for plastic pollution: New material biodegrades in ocean water: Marine microorganisms found to feast on new polyurethane materials used in sustainable shoes -- ScienceDaily
- Fungi is helping to turn ocean trash into treasure for prescription drugs - Study Finds
- Compostable Plastic Wrap Made from Seaweed Can Withstand Heat–and Biodegrade in Weeks
- Microbes that Digest Plastic at Low Temps Are Discovered in the Alps and the Arctic
- These ‘geo-neutral’ cups and bowls can magically disintegrate after use — and they’re based on a 5,000-year-old technology
- Self-healing plastic becomes biodegradable -- ScienceDaily
- Sustainable plastic made more compostable -- ScienceDaily
- Wood decay fungi show enhanced biodeterioration of low-density polyethylene in the absence of wood in culture media | PLOS ONE
- Scientists develop artificial 'worm gut' to break down plastics | ScienceDaily
- Wastewater bacteria can breakdown plastic for food | ScienceDaily
- Newly-Developed Enzyme That Breaks Down Plastic Bottles in Hours is On Track to Change the Recycling Game
- Easily Compostable Bioplastic Now Replaces Millions of Plant Pots Across New Zealand While Nourishing Soil
- College Students Invent Device That Curbs Microplastics Emitted From Tires–And They Won a Dyson Award
- Students Design Beach Vacuum That Can Suck Up Microplastics While Leaving All the Sand
- This Irish teenager may have a solution for a plastic-free ocean - CNN
- Mix. Remove Nanoplastics from Water. Repeat.
- A new use for biochar: Sifting microplastics from farm soils
- Teens Invent Device that Removes Microplastics with Ultrasound Waves, Winning $50k
- Cotton and Squid-Bone Sponge Can Soak Up 99.9% of Microplastics, Scientists Say
- New Process ‘Vaporizes’ Plastic Bags and Bottles to Help Make Recycled Materials
- This chemical breakthrough could recycle a notorious plastic
- Did scientists find a solution to our textile waste problem?
- Greener and cleaner: Yeast-green algae mix improves water treatment | ScienceDaily
- Researchers Unveil Reusable 'Sponge' for Soaking Up Marine Oil Spills–Even in Frigid Waters
- Water filter removes toxic metals with charcoal and whey - Futurity
- This Tiny Device Could Provide Clean Water for 663 Million People
- How to strip 99 per cent of harmful BPA from water in 30 minutes | New Scientist
- Texas Researchers Use Okra to Remove Microplastics from Wastewater
- Revolutionary Filter Uses Moss to Capture Pollutants And Microplastics Before You Drink Them
- Researchers Develop Water Treatment that Zaps 'Forever Chemicals’ for Good
- Plant-Based Filter Removes Up to 99.9% of Microplastics from Water
- Removal of bentazone using activated carbon from spent coffee grounds - Rocha - Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology - Wiley Online Library
- Microbes found to destroy certain 'forever chemicals' | ScienceDaily
- Designer bacteria clean wastewater and generate power
Battery Recycling
- Breakthrough in Recycling EV Batteries Can Recover 100% of Aluminum and 98% of Lithium Thanks to Swedish Scientists
Electronics Recycling
- Recyclable circuit boards for sustainable electronics
- Researchers Demonstrate Fully Recyclable Printed Electronics | Duke Pratt School of Engineering
Food Waste Recycling
- China plans facility to turn kitchen food waste into fuel for ships
Metal Recycling
- The uptake characteristics of Prussian-blue nanoparticles for rare metal ions for recycling of precious metals from nuclear and electronic wastes | Scientific Reports
- European cities give their dead leaves to this startup to turn them into shopping bags and paper | Euronews
- 150 Brands Unite to Clean Up Our Paper Supply – Saving Global Forests and Improving Recycling
- This Startup Is Using Dead Leaves to Make Paper Without Cutting Trees
Plastic Recycling
- Construction Begins On First Ever Commercial Plastics-to-Fuel Factory in the US
- Scientists Develop Breakthrough Method for Recycling Industrial Plastics at Room Temperature in 20 Minutes
- A Firm Is Turning Low-Grade Plastic Waste Into Useful Oil
- Kenyan Woman’s Startup Recycles Plastic Waste into Bricks That Are 5x Stronger Than Concrete
- Revolutionary New Recycling Method for Plastic and Waste is Solving Two Problems With One Stream
- The man who paves India's roads with old plastic | World news | The Guardian
- Japanese Inventor creates machine that transforms plastic bags into fuel | Inhabitat - Green Design, Innovation, Architecture, Green Building
- This Japanese Invention Can Recycle Plastic into Oil
- New type of plastic is a recycling dream | Ars Technica
- Scientists Just Revealed a Brand New Type of Endlessly Recyclable Plastic
- Plastic upcycling: From waste to fuel for less: Problem plastics could be diverted from landfills and converted into fuel sources with new technology -- ScienceDaily
- Breakthrough Means Polyethylene Bags and Jugs Can Finally be Upcycled to Solve Several Problems at Once
- Team recycles previously unrecyclable plastic -- ScienceDaily
- This Vending Machine Refills Cleaning Products—Reigning in Plastic And Saving You Money
- An Infinitely Recyclable Plastic Could Solve the World’s Pollution Problem
- Hartshorn salt and 'baking' solves a serious environmental problem -- ScienceDaily
- Plastic Waste Can Now be Turned into Soap Thanks to Eureka Moment from Virginia Tech
- Plastic production via advanced recycling lowers GHG emissions | ScienceDaily
- Scientists Engineered a Bacteria to Eat Plastic Bottles and Transforming Them into Useful Liquids
- Fishing Nets and Carpets Can Molecularly Recycled Thanks to Genius Chemist and Brand New Catalyst
- Sir David Attenborough Backs This New Tech That Can Recycle All Plastics
- Scientists Create World's First Truly Biodegradable Single-use Plastic That 'Eats Itself' in Just 2 Weeks
- Tough plastics broken down with common chemical, sunlight, air
Wind Turbines
- Company Devises Ingenious Method of Repurposing Old Wind Turbines: ‘The perfect time’
- Take-out Containers Turned into Valuable Seaweed Chemical Using Rays of Sunlight
- General Electric Produces Its First 100% Recyclable Wind Turbine That Can be Reconstructed as It Ages
- Sweden’s recycling is so revolutionary, the country has run out of rubbish
- TerraCycle
- Loop
- Call2Recycle | United States
- Swiss researchers can turn old lightbulbs into fresh rare-earth minerals | Live Science
Sea Ecology
- Volunteers ‘De-seaweeding’ Results in Dramatic 600% Improvement of Coral Regrowth
- Full Recovery for Coral Reef Within 4 Years – The Speed of Restoration They Saw was ‘Incredible’
- Broadcasting Audio of Healthy Reef Sounds Can Spur Degraded Coral to New Life
- Man Postpones Retirement to Save Reefs After He Accidentally Discovers How to Make Coral Grow 40 Times Faster
- Florida Aquarium becomes first in the world to reproduce ridged cactus coral in human care - CNN
- Scientists Breeding Corals for the Great Barrier Reef Achieved First-Ever Out-of-Season Spawning Event
- Bill Gates is backing a revolutionary waterless toilet - here's how it works - ScienceAlert
- Startup Cleans Up Laundry Detergent With Powerful Soap That Uses Bio Ingredients
- In Cleveland, mushrooms digest entire houses: How fungi can be used to clean up pollution
- Remote work 1 day/week cuts carbon by only 2%; Full-time 54%
- Shells to Sweaters: Sustainable 'Sea Wool' Earns Millions for Taiwan Business Spinning Oyster Shells into Yarn
- The First Operational Hoverboard Has Arrived | Mysterious Universe
- Will your driverless car be willing to kill you to save the lives of others? | Science | The Guardian
- Germany unveils zero-emissions train that only emits steam | The Independent
- Climate change: 'Bath sponge' breakthrough could boost cleaner cars - BBC News
- BYD's Fully Electric Refuse Trucks Make It Easy To Upgrade Fleets To Zero Emissions
- Ford’s F-150 Lightning Pro is an electric pickup truck for businesses - The Verge
- World's First Totally-Green Tractor Set to Plow Down European Farming Emissions
- Volvo Launches 3 New Massive Electric Truck Models for Heavy Duty Uses, Representing 2/3 of Company’s Sales
- 100% Hydrogen-Powered Jet Engine Successfully Tested by EasyJet and Rolls-Royce
- World’s First Solar Car Goes into Production – a 4 Passenger EV That Can Run on the Sun
- Car makes record-breaking 621-Mile Trip on single charge powered by the Sun
- Hydrogen-Powered Swiss Jet May Herald Return of Supersonic Flight–And Cut Travel Time By 75%
- Vermont Startup's Electric Plane That Lifts-Off Vertically is Really Taking Off
- Toyota CEO: "This New Engine Will Destroy The Entire EV Industry!" - YouTube
- California Man Builds Solar-Powered Trike with Stuff in His Garage—And it's Catching On
- Students Build Solar-Powered Pop-Up Van For Touring in a Brilliant Mobile Home That Has Zero Emissions
- Aptera Solar-Powered Car With ‘1,000-Mile’ Range Gets 7,000 Preorders for Delivery in 2021
- World's First Electric Aircraft Flight Powered by New Liquid Hydrogen–Flew for 3 Hours
- This Sleek New LA Commuter Train Is Pollution-Free
- Toyota Prius shatters fuel efficiency world record with 93 MPG drive
- Chinese EV maker Xpeng's Kunpeng system could boost range by 869 miles
- UK’s 1st battery train hits 75 mph, runs 43 miles on single charge
- Solar Powered Water Distiller Turns Salt Water into Fresh Drinking Water with Only Sunlight Required | The Free Thought Project
- For First Time, Water Produced by Sunlight to Be Even Cheaper Than Tap Water
- Scientists Perfecting New Way to Turn Desert Air into Water at Much Higher Yields
- Device Pulls Dozens of Liters of Water from the Air–Already Being Installed in Jordanian Desert Homes
- How Fog Nets Are Making Water Abundant in Arid Africa – And May Be Useful in California
- Cheap Gel Packs Can Pull Many Liters of Water From Even Desert Air
- Device Can Turn Air into 1,900 Gallons of Water a Day - Videos from The Weather Channel |
- In dry California, some buy units that make water from air
- New Device Creates Water From Thin Air
- Device pulls water from dry air, powered only by the sun
- Solar-Powered Panels Pull Water Out of the Air For Navajo Families Who Have None
- ‘Milking’ the Air for Water: Zero-Energy Technique Doubles Survival Rate for Young Trees to Reforest After Fires
- New Solar-Powered Desalinator Keeps Producing Clean Water Without Needing Sunshine
- Wave-Powered Desalination System Produces 13,000 Gallons of Drinking Water a Day From Each Buoy
- Turning Seawater Into Drinking Water – With the Push of a Button
- Solar-powered system offers a route to inexpensive desalination: Passive solar evaporation system could be used to clean wastewater, provide potable water, or sterilize medical tools in off-grid areas. -- ScienceDaily
- Solar-Powered Desalination Device Will Turn Sea Water Into Fresh Water For 400,000 People
- Graphene filter can make seawater drinkable - Unexplained Mysteries
- Freshwater from salt water using only solar energy: Modular, off-grid desalination technology could supply families, towns -- ScienceDaily
- Making seawater into drinking water with the help of the sun | Business | DW | 02.08.2017
- Graphene-based sieve turns seawater into drinking water - BBC News
- Scientists Make Sea Water Drinkable, Produce 6.3 Million Litres A Day
- Shocking new way to get the salt out | MIT News
- Egypt has developed a game-changing low-power water desalination technique - Yahoo Finance
- Scientists are turning salt water into drinking water using solar power - ScienceAlert
- A Rose Inspired This Design For the Smartest Way to Collect And Purify Water
- Billions of People Could Benefit from This Breakthrough in Desalination That Ensures Freshwater for the World
- How to pull water out of air using only gravity
- New technology uses ordinary sunlight to disinfect drinking water | Stanford News
- New device produces hydrogen peroxide for water purification
- Academics build ultimate solar-powered water purifier
- Biden administration imposes first-ever national drinking water limits on toxic PFAS
- Indian IT Worker Designs New Eco-Friendly Sewage Treatment Method with the Sacred Cow as His Inspiration - Good News Network
- Tackling water shortages with the 'Star Wars' tech
- Weird, water-oozing material could help quench thirst: Nanorods' behavior first theorized 20 years ago, but not seen until now -- ScienceDaily
- Millions of Plastic Bottles Will Be Offset As Remote Town Gets Renewable Drinking Water Created from Sunlight
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